In this video, CEO Gerry Smith outlines his excitement for Densify’s important role in the massive transformation that is occuring as organizations begin to leverage cloud and containers effectively, and his vision for how this impacts Densify customers and employees.
As the transformation to next-generation infrastructures like cloud and containers completes its first stage, it is clear that the way businesses use software has also changed. More than ever before, the services delivered by apps and workloads are critical to a business’ success. And, because of the complexity inherent in cloud and container infrastructures, a best-practices-driven resource management strategy has become just as important.
Densify is a critical resource for organizations to achieve success in the cloud and with containers. It is not humanly possible to optimally manage these next-generation platforms without the analytics and automation provided by Densify.
As Densify grows alongside its valued customers, the opportunities are likewise great for partners and those who have careers with Densify.
CEO Gerry Smith outlines his strategy for empowering his team: First, make each employee successful, and once they feel their interests are being cared for, this care will also extend to customers from each member of the team.
Join Densify in enabling successful management of the next generation of infrastructure!