Kubex Product Advisors

Enterprise K8s infrastructure owners told us what mattered, and we built it.


Unrivaled analytics provide precise actions

From node to scale group to pods and individual containers, Kubex is uniquely positioned to deliver Realizable Gains so you can massively cut K8s costs.

Dynamic UI designed for engineers

Groundbreaking usability with intuitive navigation and data exploration, making complex analytics easy to understand and simple to share.

Automation makes it easy to execute optimization

High trust AI and analytics connected to flexible automation is the best of both worlds. We show you what can safely be done and make it easy to execute.

Full Stack – Containers, Pods, ReplicaSets & Deployments

Intelligence for App Teams

Details about containers all in one place. Risk, waste or events you can share quickly via links. 

Intelligence for Platform Owners

Saturation and imbalance detection. Scale group simulation, instance type selection and scaling parameter optimization.

Unified Analysis Model

Container recommendations include health of nodes. Node actions account for containers on them and node pools.

Realizable Gains – Actions that improve performance and cost without impacting other components

Automatically Prioritized Actions

Easily see the changes that will drive greatest positive impact.

High Trust Analytics

AI avoids changes that should not be taken and reduces noise.

Cost Transparency

Quantifiable financial impact of actions via billing data.

Automated Optimization ...if you want and the way you want it

Auto Identification of what matters

Actions that will not exhaust quotas, cause runaway scaling, or other issues.

Mutating Admission Controller

Automates changes without distracting app teams and engineers.

Precision Targeting

Automation for only what you  target. Phase non-prod, low priority & high-impact services without opening floodgates.

SRE's, Platform Owners and FinOps teams are succeeding and saving $millions.

Raiffeisen Bank Aval

Broad Platform Support

Manage resources across Kubernetes, Red Hat OpenShift, Rancher RKE, EKS, AKS and GKE for all your clusters, namespaces and individual containers.


Vladimir dives into container optimization strategies and cloud migration, discussing Raiffeisen’s processes and innovative practices. Raiffeisen Bank was early in the automation of optimization. Vladimir also shares why that was the case and what that meant for Raiffeisen Bank.

Container Strategies and Cloud Migration

VLADIMIR REMENAR, Director of IT Operations

AJ talks about innovative ways to gamify the engagement with line of business application owners to drive cloud optimization. The number one challenge most FinOps programs have is getting engineers to take action on optimization. Liberty Mutual’s “Optimization Bingo” is a refreshing take on the problem.

Gamifying Cloud Optimization

ANGELA (AJ) WASSERMAN, Portfolio Product Owner of Cloud FinOps & Tech Data Insights

Hitesh speaks to the evolution of the cloud and the best practices that have emerged in resource optimization.

Having been involved in cloud from the start, Hitesh shares some of the “aha” moments he had along the way, including how to effectively engage engineering teams, the importance of data-driven approaches, designing for elasticity, and thoughts on where the industry is going.

The Evolution of Cloud: Best Practices in Resource Optimization

HITESH CHITALIA, VP, Director Cloud Optimization

Gokul discusses RI’s, FinOps, optimization thoughts and tips, new apps from SAP and the impact on architecture decision making, user activity metrics, how SAP is able to involve engineers to act on changes, thoughts on containers, Gokul’s predictions on what’s to come next.

Avoiding Sticker Shock

GOKUL NAIDU, Senior Manager, Cloud Operations

Lori and Vinnie discuss the intersection of finance and technology, emphasizing the growing importance of optimization and transparency through FinOps. They also cover the impact of cloud migration, capacity management, and successful cost optimization strategies.

How Verisk Uses Data to Drive Optimization in the Cloud

LORI GALELLA, Director of Cloud Cost Optimization and IT Finance

VINNIE DE ANGELIS, Senior Director, Head if IT Finance/ Cloud FinOps & Optimization/ Software Asset Mgmt

See the Benefits of Optimized KUBERNETES Resources

AI-driven analytics that precisely determine optimal resource settings for Kubernetes

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