Kubespray is a powerful open source tool for deploying and managing Kubernetes clusters that provides a balance of implementation flexibility and ease of use. The tool works with public cloud, on-premises, bare-metal, and test environment solutions, making it ideal for managing highly available clusters across multiple different platforms.
Ideal uses for Kubespray include:
In this article, we’ll take a quick look at Kubespray’s features before diving into an example deployment workflow.
Kubespray utilizes a combination of Ansible and Kubeadm to deploy a Kubernetes cluster. It is extremely composable, meaning that you can choose from a wide range of options for network plugins, Linux distributions, and container runtimes. See the below table for a list of options:
Applications | Core Components | Linux Distributions | Network Plugins |
Ambassador (v1.5) | Kubernetes (v1.20.6) | Flatcar Container Linux by Kinvolk | cni-plugins (v0.9.1) |
Cephfs-provisioner v2.1.0-k8s1.11 | etcd (v3.4.13) | Debian (Buster, Jessie, Stretch, Wheezy) | calico (v3.17.3) |
rbd-provisioner v2.1.1-k8s1.11 | docker (v19.03 | Ubuntu (16.04, 18.04, 20.04) | canal |
cert-manager v0.16.1 | containerd (v1.4.4) | CentOS/RHEL (7, 8) | cilium (v1.8.8) |
coredns v1.7.0 | cri-o (v1.19) | Fedora (32, 33) | flanneld (v0.13.0) |
ingress-nginx v0.43 | Fedora CoreOS | kube-ovn (v1.6.2) | |
openSUSE Leap 15.x/Tumbleweed | kube-router (v1.2.2) | ||
Oracle Linux (7, 8) | multus (v3.7.0) | ||
ovn4nfv (v1.1.0) | |||
weave (v2.8.1) |
Before using Kubespray, we recommend becoming familiar with Ansible constructs like Playbooks and Inventory.
Spend less time optimizing Kubernetes Resources. Rely on AI-powered Kubex - an automated Kubernetes optimization platform
Free 60-day Trialmkdir ~/Projects/kubespray_workspace
cd ~/Projects/kubespray_workspace
wget https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/kubespray/archive/refs/tags/v2.15.1.tar.gz
tar -xvzf v2.15.1.tar.gz
sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
As previously mentioned, you can choose your favorite combination of environments and infrastructure provisioning tools. Infrastructure topology should be based on organizational needs (e.g., the number of master or worker nodes, firewalls, subnet CIDR ranges, etc.).
For this article, we’ll use an AWS EC2 VM as the infrastructure. You can reference sample Terraform scripts within your newly-extracted Kubespray folder by navigating to ~/Projects/kubespray_workspace/kubespray-2.15.1/contrib/terraform/aws/
cd ~/Projects/kubespray_workspace/kubespray-2.15.1/contrib/terraform/aws/ cp credentials.tfvars.example credentials.tfvars
terraform init
terraform plan -out kubesprayplan -var-file=credentials.tfvars
terraform apply "kubesprayplan"
cat ~/Projects/kubespray_workspace/kubespray-2.15.1/inventory/hosts
Spend less time optimizing Kubernetes Resources. Rely on AI-powered Kubex - an automated Kubernetes optimization platform
Free 60-day Trialcp test_aws_instance.pem ~/.ssh/test_aws_instance.pem
chmod 600 ~/.ssh/test_aws_instance.pem
eval $(ssh-agent)
ssh-add -D
ssh-add ~/.ssh/test_aws_instance.pem
ansible-playbook -i ./inventory/hosts ./cluster.yml -e ansible_user=ubuntu -b --become-user=root
cd ~/Projects/kubespray_workspace/kubespray-2.15.1
ssh -F ssh-bastion.conf ubuntu@
sudo cat /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf
mkdir ~/.kube/
sudo cp -R /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf ~/.kube/config
sudo chown ubuntu:ubuntu ~/.kube/config
kubectl get nodes
kubectl get ns
mkdir ~/.kube/
with the following:server: https://<aws_elb_dns_name>:6443
kubectl get nodes
kubectl get ns
Spend less time optimizing Kubernetes Resources. Rely on AI-powered Kubex - an automated Kubernetes optimization platform
Free 60-day Trialansible-playbook -i ./inventory/hosts ./remove-node.yml -e ansible_user=ubuntu -b --become-user=root --extra-vars "node=ip-10-250-212-108.ap-south-1.compute.internal"
ansible-playbook -i ./inventory/hosts ./scale.yml -e ansible_user=ubuntu -b --become-user=root
kubectl version
ansible-playbook -i ./inventory/hosts ./upgrade-cluster.yml -e ansible_user=ubuntu -b --become-user=root -e kube_version=<replace_kubernetes_version_you_want_to_upgrade>
cd ~/Projects/kubespray_workspace/kubespray-2.15.1/contrib/terraform/aws/
terraform destroy -var-file=credentials.tfvars
Kubespray does not support or recommend skipping any release versions when upgrading. If you are using, for example, version 1.0.0 and want to upgrade to 5.0.0, you must upgrade to 2.0.0, 3.0.0, and so on for every official Kubespray release.
Spend less time optimizing Kubernetes Resources. Rely on AI-powered Kubex - an automated Kubernetes optimization platform
Free 60-day TrialWhile there are many Kubernetes tools available today, few offer the same level of platform flexibility provided by Kubespray. Kubespray is a great solution for organizations that are already familiar with or are actively using Ansible for their existing provisioning and orchestration. In addition, Kubespray’s composability means that your team gets to choose the tech (applications, Kubernetes runtime, Linux distribution, network plugins, etc.) that you already love working with. If your organization anticipates needing a multi-platform strategy (across cloud, bare-metal, on-prem, and others) and has already adopted Ansible, then Kubespray is an ideal choice for deploying your Kubernetes clusters.