Training Video featuring Forrester Research
In this complimentary training, presenters Lauren Nelson (VP and Research Director at Forrester) and Andrew Hillier (CTO at Densify) reveal five practical ways to achieve high elasticity in your cloud environment at the lowest cost.
In this video, you will learn:
I&O teams are doubling down on public cloud, aiming to achieve better elasticity and resiliency while trying to keep the cost under control. Although this seems simple in theory, these can often be conflicting goals, and in practice, there are many hidden complexities.
A high cloud bill is often just a symptom of a bigger underlying problem—the inherent difficulty in selecting the right resources from millions of options—and, doing this in a way that meets your applications’ fluctuating demands. This is complicated further by the different purchasing options that are available, compounding the technical challenge with an equally daunting procurement challenge.
Don’t delay learning the secrets of true elasticity in the cloud—stream this complimentary session now!
Lauren Nelson VP, Research Director, Forrester Research
Lauren Nelson is a VP, Research Director at Forrester and covers the IaaS space with extensive knowledge of solutions (including internal private, hosted private, and public IaaS), enterprise adoption trends, the current state of cloud standardization, and cloud metrics creation. Her coverage also includes strategic right sourcing of applications, cloud strategy development, customer use cases, cloud adoption trends, cloud economics, and the green implications of cloud computing. Lauren has advised hundreds of enterprises on these topics through speeches, workshops, webinars, inquiries, advisory, and reports.
Andrew HillierCTO, Densify
Andrew Hillier has over 20 years of experience in the creation and implementation of mission-critical cloud applications for the world’s largest enterprises. As CTO and Co-Founder of Densify, he heads product strategy and leads the creation of the sophisticated workload pattern analysis and machine learning technology that underpins the Densify solution—which bolsters app performance. Hillier holds 10 patents in this field and is a noted thought leader and speaker in the areas of cloud and container technologies.