Toronto, Ontario – April 28, 2016 – Cirba Inc., the leading provider of software-defined infrastructure control software released the results of a study it conducted on factors impacting the cost of leveraging Microsoft® Azure™, Amazon Web Services (AWS) and IBM® SoftLayer®. The study revealed that workload patterns and hosting models can dramatically impact the cost of leveraging public cloud in ways that people might not expect.
“There is an assumption that public cloud is inexpensive, but it all depends on the requirements of the applications you need to host,” said Andrew Hillier, CTO & co-founder of Cirba. “Determining the optimal hosting strategy for an application is not simple, and requires science, not assumptions and opinions. This study clearly illustrates the impact that workload patterns and cloud hosting models have on total cost, and underscores the need for analytics that can optimize hosting decisions and drive automation.”
Watch this 5 minute video presentation of the study results.
Cirba’s analytics provide the necessary decision control point for automatically determining the best hosting environments for applications whether internal or in public cloud environments including Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services (AWS) and IBM SoftLayer. Cirba provides seamless ongoing control for hybrid environments through visibility and automated optimization.
Cirba has re-imagined infrastructure control for the software-defined era.
We’re enabling the world’s most successful organizations to scientifically balance infrastructure supply and application demand – creating a demand-driven approach to infrastructure management that maximizes efficiency and cost-savings while reducing risk.
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