Kubernetes Optimization: Focus on the Highest Impact Actions

The ’80-20 Rule’ Applied to Kubernetes Optimization

Many Kubernetes environments are already running tens of thousands of containers, making it impossible for platform owners to track whether appropriate resources are being requested for every container deployment. This often leads to environments that are drastically overprovisioned, driving up infrastructure costs, as platform owners scramble to keep up with requested resources at scale. Tackling this problem requires a strategy for maximizing resource optimization benefits while minimizing the required effort.

Watch this 20-min session to hear Densify’s experts discuss strategies for optimizing Kubernetes environments while minimizing the required work. During this session Densify will present an analysis of a large scale Kubernetes environment showing how 80% of optimization savings can be achieved by focusing on 20% of the container deployments. We cover:

  1. A breakdown of the number of containers by requested resources in a typical large scale Kubernetes environment
  2. An approach for prioritizing container optimization opportunities
  3. How focusing on the highest priority optimizations impacts overall savings

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About the Presenter

Andrew Hillier

Henry Jurgens SVP, Product & Operations, Densify

Henry Jurgens Henry is responsible for the lifecycle of Product Management, Engineering and SaaS Operations. Prior, Henry held senior Product Management roles at Mentor Graphics and Valor Systems. Henry holds an Engineering degree and PH.D. in Aerospace Engineering from The University of Toronto.