Viewing the Public Cloud Impact Analysis and Recommendation Report

Viewing the Public Cloud Impact Analysis and Recommendation Report


As the application owner, you want to see more details of your particular cloud service, before implementing Densify's recommendations. Specifically:

  • Optimization Reasoning—The data and the policy settings that resulted in the recommendation being made.
  • Verification—Ensure that the recommendation aligns with your financial and organizational goals.

Recommendation are based on the latest cloud catalogs from the supported public cloud providers.

To learn more watch the video:

You can access this report from the following pages:

The Impact Analysis and Recommendation report provides the following details for a selected cloud service:

You can scroll through the report or you can click on one of the Details tabs at the top of the page to jump to the relevant section within the report.

Creating a PDF Version of the Report

You can create a PDF version of the report by clicking the Export to PDF button located at the top-right corner of the display.

The export file is named "SystemAnalysis.pdf" and is saved to the download folder defined by your browser. You may want to modify the filename to match the selected instance, if you are planning to review and distribute reports for multiple instances.



Summary Table

The summary table identifies the cloud service with any user defined tags, and provides an overview of any generated recommendations, predicted uptime, and policy used for the service.

Optimization Benefits

This section of the summary lists the benefits that can be gained from implementing the recommendation. A list of bullet points maps the values of Overall Status and Optimization Types to the actual benefits to you, as the application owner, in terms of both cost and performance.

If the overall status for the selected instance is Optimal, then this section is not displayed.

Predicted Utilization (CPU and Memory)

This table provides the impact to CPU and memory utilization if you were to move your application to the recommended instance type. A change indicator, in the last column, shows you at a glance whether utilization impact is negative, positive or if there is no impact and utilization remains the same as compared to the current instance type. This column is shown only if there is a recommended instance type.

The workload charts following the Predicted Utilization table show CPU utilization and memory utilization (%) of the current instance and these same metrics as they would be on the recommended instance type.

Instances that have been identified as "Just Right" or "Terminate" do not have any recommendations and only the current utilization data and charts are shown.

Note:   If the metrics are not available, then the corresponding chart is not displayed.

When actual memory data is not collected, and memory workloads are backfilled as defined in the policy, a footnote will be added to indicate that memory utilization is based on user-defined policy settings.

System Information

For a cloud instance report, the System Information table provides the following details of the selected instance.

Recommendation Details

Note:  Not all utilization metrics are available for all cloud providers. The metrics displayed in the following tables and charts will vary depending on the selected service type and cloud provider.

Resource Utilization Impact

This table provides the impact to CPU utilization, memory utilization, as well as to network and disk IO throughput if you were to move your application to the recommended instance type. A change indicator, in the last column, shows you at a glance whether utilization impact is negative, positive or if there is no impact and utilization remains the same as compared to the current instance type. This column is shown only if there is a recommended instance type.

If the Optimization Type is "Just Right" or "Terminate" then there is no recommended instance column.

Resource Allocation Comparison

For cloud instances, the Resource Allocation Comparison table allows you to compare the allocated resources on your current instance type to those allocated in the recommended instance type.

For Auto Scaling groups, the Resource Allocation Comparison (per Instance) table allows you to compare the allocated resources on the instance type, configured currently in your scale group launch configuration, to those allocated to the recommended instance type.

The column at the right end of the chart highlights differences between your current instance type and the recommended instance type allocations.

If there is no recommended instance type, the title of the table changes to Resource Allocation for cloud instances or Resource Allocation (per Instance) for scale groups. In this situation, the Recommended and Change columns are not displayed.

Workload Charts

The following workload charts are provided so you can compare utilization on the current service against that of the recommended service configuration or instance type. The charts for the current service are shown on the left side and the charts for the recommended service are shown on the right side.

If utilization metrics are not available, the corresponding chart is not displayed.

Cloud services that are identified as "Just Right" or "Terminate" only have current utilization charts shown.

When actual memory data is not collected, and memory workloads are backfilled with the memory usage as defined by the policy, no recommended memory workload chart is displayed.

Effort to Optimize Instance Type

This table lists the factors that contribute to the effort required to investigate and implement the Densify recommendations. Effort for the selected instance is calculated by rule-driven analytics based on various factors (such as instance family change, storage change, data quality checks, feature changes, group size changes etc.) that can be configured in the policy settings and through analysis rule sets.

A description of each rule and its impact on the effort to move the current service to the recommended service type or configuration is provided.

This is the same information that is reported on the Effort Details tab in the Instance Optimization Details dashboard. See Understanding the Instance Optimization Details Report.

Contact [email protected] for details on the policy settings and rule sets configured for your environment.

The Effort to Optimize {service type} table is not displayed for the "Just Right" optimization type as no effort is required to remain at the current service

Cost Impact

This section provides a cost summary that shows you the benefits of implementing the recommendation as well as details that allow you to compare the cost of the current instance to the recommended instance type.

Note:  If the Optimization Type is "Just Right" then no Recommended Cost value is displayed.